Emily Roberts

Emily RobertsEmily Roberts is a UMBC undergraduate student majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and minoring in Ancient Studies. She found interest in the SCIART program because of her interest in Ancient Studies, specifically the Greeks. She is very excited for the opportunity to use both her science and ancient studies knowledge during the program. Dr. Patricia McGuiggan from the department of Material Science at Johns Hopkins University oversees the historical materials research area in the program. In collaboration with fellow SCIART student, Laurence Spekterman, Emily works on two projects in this focus area. The first project includes investigating and incorporating quantitative techniques to the Oddy Test, normally a more qualitative test of the effect that the outgassing of storage materials has on museum items over time. The second project includes imaging and identifying the vegetal fibers and dyestuffs on a 1500 BCE Egyptian basket. After the summer is over, Emily will enter her senior year and hopes to attend chiropractic school after completing her undergraduate degree. Emily also competes in synchronized figure skating and is a member of the Honor’s College.